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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Random Taste for Thursday 3/2/17

And so it continues ... a brand new set of tastes for 2017 ...
 here's the EIGHTH of FIFTY tastes of FLORIDA 
(coming to you on sequential Thursdays.  All.  Year.  Long.)!

Establishment:  Maggiano's Little Italy 
Location:  Boca Raton
Meal:  Dinner
Drink:  Coca-Cola
Appetizer:  Warm Rolls (and half a plate of butter)
Main:  Steak and Ravioli

Beef medallions and mushroom ravioli al forno

Side(s):  Grilled Asparagus and Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Dessert:  n/a
Server:   Sarah


The one who makes the rules is also the one who gets to break the rules (and don't worry ... this isn't a political post).  When this series kicked off at the beginning of 2016, the rules were "one NEW place (at which I've never before eaten) each week (each year)".  Moving here from Chicago as we did, it is true that there was at least one other time when we dined at a place named Maggiano's (in Skokie) ... and it's also true that we were very familiar with the Lettuce Entertain You culinary empire (as anyone who has eaten out in Chicago must be).  What we didn't appreciate was how far across the country they had expanded ... so when we were the lucky recipients of a gift card from someone with a Chicago connection and we went looking as to where we could use it down here, we were surprised to see an option for Maggiano's up in Boca.  Long story short ... we're going to get a "dispensation" from the rules and we're going to qualify it for this series and we're going to document how it earned the
 Troy-score below (and how it became the highest scoring Italian establishment so far in this series):

AMBIANCE:   8/10 (without a doubt, it's a great big beautiful space, with a stylish bar directly in the center and several well appointed spaces/rooms all around it -- and we got there at the beginning of the dinner rush, so by the time we left the place was packed with a good number of large sized groups [living up to the Italian family stereotype] ... the problem [and the reason for the docking of *double* the points] was the loud table of young ladies taking a break from working the streets [or so it seemed by their appearance] that was gathered two spaces behind us as seen in the background of the accompanying photo -- and although it's not the restaurant's job to control their rowdy customers [especially those with a cackling "look at me" hyena laugh], all signs pointed to those noise-violators as being family members of the staff OR staff members themselves because the servers were hanging there instead of serving)

FOOD:           9/10 (I always love me a dining experience that starts with an overflowing basket of warm bread and when it came to the main meal, everything was delicious that I ordered -- from the steak medallions with the crunchy onions on top to those creamy ravioli "baked in the oven" [aka al forno] ... the point lost is directly linked to the four pats of butter served with the rolls [and captured in that photo] as I was unaware of any butter ration and we had five people in our party to devour that pile of scrumptious warm bread so four little pats were definitely not sufficient)

SERVICE:      8/10 (I felt a little sorry for our server Sarah, because any friendly expertise she was exhibiting was overshadowed by two rude food deliverers, for whom dropping off the meals at our table of five was clearly a task in which they wished to no longer be involved, and by the table at which we were seated being without a pepper mill, for which we went on a mission to claim it from another spot)

BACON:         9/10 (just because the special I ordered didn't include bacon doesn't mean there weren't plenty of opportunities to have it featured in many different ways on the menu [and for those of you who get caught up in double negatives, that means bacon was everywhere] ... and it wasn't just any bacon but an "imported"-from-Wisconsin Nueske's bacon that could have been wrapped around shrimp or served on a bruschetta or added to the carbonara ... all that said, it was disappointing that the crispy pancetta "flakes" on a salad ordered by another person in our party were either too crispy or too tiny as we were all but convinced they were artificial, which explains the deduction of one point in this category)

BONUS:         10/10 (+3 for us arriving there and getting a parking spot just a few minutes before they closed down the lot for valet only parking, +3 for an interesting bogo concept where you could order two pasta dishes -- one to eat at the meal and a second complete one to take home for lunch the next day, +3 for using the asparagus as a dam to separate the steak sauce from the ravioli sauce on my plate, which warmed my heart as I don't always like things touching and +1 for being a place to which we will most definitely return so long as we are up in that area so that I can order more menu items that come with that bacon)

TroyScore:  44 out of 50 -- aka 88, a B

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